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MCF have many years’ experience working with children and their families who have been harmed by Technology-Assisted Child Sexual Abuse (TACSA). This expertise is shared among professional colleagues around the world via training. The training is suitable for all practitioners working alongside children and families, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to better understand the nature of the harm and the specific response required when supporting victims and their families whilst doing no further harm. 

Our training is designed to cover the stages of the journey that victims and their families travel – from discovery of the abuse to recovery and can be tailored to meet individual needs. 

MCF deliver training to multi-agency groups or single agency settings and can offer training that is bespoke to meet your individual needs.  Please contact us at if you would like further information.

Click Path to Protection

The Click Path to Protection (CPP) is a multi-agency model of intervention designed to equip police, children’s services, education, health, legal/judicial and NGO personnel with the knowledge and skills to ensure that their professional response is one that places the needs of children and families at the centre and does no further harm. 

The Click Path to Protection comprises of three separate courses:

THINK: Path to Protection - Introduces all professionals working with children, young people and families to the specific issues related to TACSA.

ACT: Path to Protection - For those investigating, assessing, and/or managing cases where TACSA has been identified. This will give professionals the knowledge to undertake their roles in an effective way that also improves outcomes for children.

MANAGE: Path to Protection: Designed for managers and senior leaders who would be making decisions in cases where TACSA has been identified.

Click Path to Protection
Click Path to Protection Logo

The CPP has been adapted to train professionals internationally which has resulted in facilitated training occurring to a range of organisations and agencies from around the world.

This course has been independently evaluated and has been referenced in the international journal of child abuse and neglect (1).

If you would like further information on the CPP Course, please contact us at 
(1) Hamilton-Giachritsis, C. et al. (2021) “Technology Assisted Child Sexual Abuse: Professionals’ Perceptions of Risk and Impact on Children and Young People,” Child Abuse & Neglect: Part 1, 119. 

Effective Communication with Children

Difficult conversation with children is never easy, especially when the discussion is of a sensitive nature.

Research into professionals’ confidence and understanding of the importance of obtaining the ‘child’s voice’ shows that a significant proportion of professionals either do not see it as a priority or expressed low confidence in this area.

Therefore, the Marie Collins Foundation has developed a half day facilitated training course on effective communication and engagement with children within an evidential framework. This course aim to increase delegates confidence and knowledge around initiating conversations and barriers to effective communication. The course was designed on current established theories regarding communicating with children, and participants will have the opportunity to understand some of the key principles to communication, and identify techniques that will enhance their practice.

Effective Communication with Children
Effective Communication with Children

This course would be suitable for police, teaching and social care staff or anyone else who may need to interact with children.

"The real-life examples provided during the course really brought the message home and made the training/advice relatable." – Student police officer

"Trainers were super knowledgeable and based on work and personal situation found this really helpful and engaging" - Police officer.

If you would like further information on the Effective Communication with Children training, please contact us at 

Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB)

In our role working alongside children, young people, parents, and carers we often talk about behaviour being a form of communication, yet when it comes to sexualised behaviours it is not always spoken of so easily. We might find it difficult, embarrassing even to talk about sex; concerned about what to say, how to say it and whether we are doing the right thing. 

Since Ofsted released the Review of sexual abuse in schools and colleges in 2021 highlighting that sexual harassment an online sexual abuse in schools ‘are so commonplace that [victims] see no point in reporting them’ it is evident just how important it is that we talk about sexual behaviours. 

The Marie Collins Foundation has designed a one-day training course around Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB) with the aim of expanding practitioner knowledge of harmful sexual behaviours and increasing confidence in our response whilst doing no further harm. The course will focus on the working holistically with the complexities of HSB with an emphasis on technological influences, ensuring we hear the voice of victims and survivors through all that we do.

Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB)
Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB)

This course would be suitable for police, Social Care, educators, health practitioners, third sector partners and anyone else who works alongside children and families.  

Delegates who have attended this training said: 

“It's given me a greater understanding of how to support victims and perpetrators.”

“I learnt more relevant information in this session than I have in any other safeguarding training I've attended.”

“I have a wider knowledge of what HSB can look like in a young person.”

“The trainer was EXTREMELY knowledgeable and spent a lot of time thoroughly answering questions from real life scenarios.”

“The discussions were very useful and the content insightful.”

If you would like further information on the Harmful Sexual Behaviour training, please contact us at 

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