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Annual Conference 2020

MCF’S 6th International Conference: From Discovery to Recovery 2020

27 October – 23 November 2020

Our 2020 annual conference was transformed from an event to be held in London, to one delivered virtually, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This enabled us to reach a wider audience and provided an opportunity to welcome new speakers and delegates, both from the UK and across the world. 

The conference took place over one month and included fifteen sessions. Delegates were offered a choice of morning or afternoon sessions to take account of the different time zones, enabling our international partners to participate. People who attended reported valuing the opportunity to hear from a broad range of global experts in different fields and found it particularly inspiring to hear directly from a survivor of abuse.

‘If there is no voice from survivors there will be no effective action to support and protect them.’ Dame Vera Baird, Victims’ Commissioner for England and Wales 2020.

The importance of hearing the collective voices of survivors in shaping future decisions about how governments, professionals and industry respond to online child sexual abuse.

What needs to change at the strategic level?

Hearing the voices of victims and survivors – can you help mobilise a collective voice?

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