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Overview of Available Learning

To support your professional learning and development this section provides both e-learning and information on how to request bespoke and/or facilitated training. 

Our training is designed to meet the needs of various learning styles to suit your specific needs. If you are a visual learner you will benefit from the charts, infographics, and videos. If you are an experiential learner, the case examples will allow for reflection. We have provided research, resources and other tools which supports positive change in practice.  

Level 1

Our Level 1 courses are suitable for all professionals. It ensures that the basic elements of the subject are covered.  

Professionals with child protection experience are encouraged to use this module as a refresher.  

We recommend all learners begin their e-learning journey with us by accessing the Introduction to Child Protection module. It establishes the basic principles of child protection for those with little or no knowledge or formal training, while reinforcing prior learning to those with more experience in the field. This course is a pre-requisite for other modules and ensures that all learners have basic knowledge. This short interactive course is easy to follow and can be accessed repeatedly to reinforce learning. A certificate is issued on successful completion of this course. 

Level 2

Our Level 2 courses are geared towards professionals who interact with children on a daily in their professional practice. These courses offer more in-depth examination of the subject matter. Examples of our Level 2 courses are:  

  • The Click: Path to Protection courses (UK and International versions) 
  • Facilitating Conversations with Children and Young People 

Click: Path to Protection e-learning (International version) 

Click: Path to Protection (International), e- learning module introduces the basic principles about how to respond to technology-assisted child sexual abuse (TACSA) in a way that does no further harm.  The course describes the professional response needed to support children and their families from the moment the abuse is discovered and throughout their recovery journey. The modules provide an understanding how children can be targeted online for abuse and different forms of TACSA.  

This training emphasises the additional impacts of online abuse on the child victim and their family. It helps professionals understand their roles when working with children and young people.  

This interactive course is easy to follow but can also be accessed repeatedly to reinforce learning. A certificate is issued on successful completion of this course. 

Facilitating Conversations with Children and Young People 

Facilitating Conversations with children and young people is a module designed for professionals working within the judicial system, including but not limited to, police officers, social workers, psychologists and prosecutors. It will help you develop the skills needed to communicate appropriately with children in various stages of child development and with differing need. This course offers a range of techniques to help children talk about what has been done to them.  

A certificate issued on completion of this course. 

Specialist Training 

Our specialist training programs are instructor-led courses that are available to organisations and professionals from a wide cross section of the workforce.  

These training sessions reinforce and develop the Level 1 and 2 modules.   

Modules include:   

  • Click: Path to Protection (Train-the-trainer)  
  • Harmful Sexual Behaviours  
  • Investigative interviews with child witnesses 
  • Managing difficult conversations 

If you would like to commission Marie Collins Foundation to deliver bespoke training contact us.

Veiw our e-Learning Platform Here

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